
Showing posts from August, 2018

You are called to pray

God has a wonderful plan by which you can have a worldwide influence. This plan is not just for a chosen few. It is for you. Let me tell you about it. God has great expectations for you and me. He has every right. The average person has more ability to influence others Today than before. This is especially true for Christians. Through the tremendous help of the media, and the expanding technology, we have the facilities to speed up God's work beyond anything we have yet known. We can reach the farthest nation more quickly, we can present the gospel in more languages, and we have the means to recruit and guide prayer for the whole world more efficiently. We can reach our world, If we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer. We could see multiplied results if we would only multiply prayer. There have been outstanding prayer saint over the centuries. By no means do we forget them or the tremendous histcry-changing role they played ...

The Iron Gate

We rejoice in the fact that the LORD in his loving providence sent his angel and delivered the Apostle Peter from the power of King Herod and his soldiers. The Apostle James had been apprehended and put to death. The Apostle Peter was in prison, bound with two chains and guarded by sixteen soldiers. It is reasonable to believe that Peter was informed that on the next day he would be led forth to be executed. Perhaps the soldiers who were guarding him, understanding that he was a good man, sought to comfort him on what they believed was the last night of his earthly life, by offering to watch with him through the night. Peter doubtless answered them something like this: “ My God, whom I serve, is able to deliver me from King Herod and his power, but whether or not he will do so, I do not know. I do know, however, that his will for me is best. My conscience is clear; I suggest that we lie down and take our rest as usual.” While Peter and the soldiers were asleep, a light shone in...

Your Faith or your Work? Part Two

Previously I wrote about the misconception about faith and work which most people particularly believers I've been misinterpreting lately. Today I'll be writing the concluding part of this article. A second error turns faith into a work and therefore rejects it as vital to our salvation. This view rightly recognizes that it is ultimately the finished work of Christ alone that saves. It rightly affirms that a man is justified because his sins were punished at Calvary and the obedience of Christ is his. This view rightly affirms by Christ alone. In order, however, to fence off the first error, to be certain, we don't look at our faith as mentions, it denudes faith of its true nature, turning it into bare assent. This view defines saving faith as agreeing to the truthfulness of the gospel message. This errors suffers from two key problems. First, in diminishing the nature of saving faith to bare assent it leaves room even for in principle, the demons. James says even th...

Your Faith or your Work?

How do the two seemingly contradictory functions of faith and works relate, interact and compliment each other? By faith alone, in Christ alone, we are saved. Faith is the instrument, Christ is the savior. This reformation was born out of the biblical conviction that a man is deemed just in the sight of God, forgiven, adopted not on the basis of his own goodness, but on the basis of the goodness of Christ imputed to him. Not everyone, however, is blessed with this imputation, but only those who trust in that provision and in that provision alone. The debate at that time to this day has been characterized as faith versus works. In framing the debate as work versus faith, however, some miss the very nature of faith. One way to err on faith is in fact to turn it into a "work" in this error, we see "faith" as a substitute for our obedience. This view suggest that in the garden of Eden God required a total and complete obedience from us in order for us to be at...

The Spirit in Man. Part Two

Last time I wrote about how the spirit of God in us enables us to have the mind of God in us. Today I'll be writing on how the spirit of God is formed in us. HOW THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS FORMED IN US 1. Through His word: " its the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life " John 6:63. One amazing thing about the word of God in us is that it can create because the word is God Himself. John 1:3. When the word of God comes to you, it carries the ability to create a new life in us, it can transform, and also create a change in us. That is why once a man encounter Jesus the first thing that happens to you is that your life will change and you will become another man. Therefore, the word of God carries with it the power of life and creation and any man that receive and believe it will possess the spirit of God in him. 2. Through prayer: prayer is understood to be a process of communicating w...

The Spirit in Man. Part one

" And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl if the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping things that creepeth upon the earth " Gen 1:26 Have you ever ask this question that why will God choose to create man after He as created every other things? The answer is, God is a God of perfection and He wants to be worshiped. Therefore, all creatures God created before man cannot give Him a perfect worship neither can they create a perfect worship environment for Him. That's why God decided to form man after His own image which means God wants someone that will talk like Him, think like Him, walk like Him, and also walk with Him. This doesn't mean God is lonely, NO! What God actually wants is another atmosphere of worship which He can delight in. That's why after creating man the next thing He did was to release the breathe of life into ...

The Mantle

Elijah’s ministry does not end with the call of Elisha who became Elijah’s attendant and student. Instead, it continued for several years as the mentor of Elisha. After his renewal by the Lord on Mount Horeb, Elijah began a ministry of mentoring or discipling Elisha. Mentoring others is one of the most important ministries any of us can have, especially leaders, but one that should not be limited to leaders. Actually, the ministry here was dual. Not only did Elijah minister to Elisha, but undoubtedly, Elisha became a great comfort and encouragement to Elijah. At one time, Elijah thought he alone was left to carry on the work of God, but he was informed this was not the case at all. In fact, there were 7,000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal. Among these were several schools of the prophets. Until this time, they were hiding in caves, afraid to come out and speak for the Lord. But after Elijah’s experience and renewal on Mount Horeb, he began traveling over the country teaching in...

Do you even need Jesus?

Ever wonder why someone you don't know will stop you on the road and tell you sir/ma, Jesus loves you and with a gaze in your eyes you will be like "i know!" or sometimes you say "that is not my business right now" some people will even sit you down and start narrating the bible to you on why you should accept Jesus but deep inside of you, you start asking yourself some questions like do i even need Jesus? I'm doing fine in school, i'm married, blessed with good job and lovely children and everything seem fine and all right. Do you know that the more success you attain in life, the more of God you need?  The devil is so dangerous that he doesn't want anybody to have peace of mind knowing fully that you will be able to serve God comfortably.  That is why the bible describe him like a roaring lion roaming about seeking whom to devour. The devil is so diligent in his work that he gives you no reason to accept Jesus knowing fully that He's...

One thing is needful

In the modern day society, a lot is required of a man in other to meet up with the standards of the society. Being relevant is very demanding and requires a great task and obligation. There are lots of social sectors, financial sectors, academic sectors that remains very cogent in man's societal relevance and if the standard is not met, it can render someone totally irrelevant as well as being a liability to the society. An average human is expected to have a certain level of educational qualifications, some cash in his/her account, get married, have kids, build a house, buy a car, watch your kids being successful, grow old and at the end death! Now, after death what next? This is the question that triggered the topic of this write up. Humans are cumbered about many things, we think a lot about what we want to become knowing fully that our thought can't add an inch to our size. We have neglected Gods promises to us in the scripture and we focus on making money and livin...

Devoted or Distracted?

We are becoming more and more distracted these days. There are so many things vying for our attention that if we are not careful we can quickly become disengaged. It’s hard to walk down the street without being bombarded with signs and billboards trying to sell you something. These advertisers are trying to convince you that their product(s) will actually save your life, save you time, or save you money. And how about the gossip magazines, and the last-minute ‘must have’ items that are strategically placed where you can see them while you wait in the checkout line at the grocery store? These things are not only distracting but can add additional money to your budget that you never planned to spend, causing you to go over your budget. In church on Sundays , you will see people sitting next to you with his or her iPad. The moment they walked in – and most time they always come late, they will pull out thier iPad and start flipping through it, and had it out for almost the entir...

Available but not Reliable

Available but not Reliable In every given profession or occupation, what an employer seek for in his or her employees is their commitment and availability. In the business circle, every customer expect his or her seller to be available when called upon. In some profession workers are mandated to be punctual, some are mandated to write down their time of resumption at work everyday so as to ensure readiness and commitment in the place of work. If human reasoning and understanding demands such a thing how much more God whom we serve. However, many people have used the word 'availability' to replace 'reliability' I.e when you see someone very much available you tend to believe he or she is Reliable. These two words are totally different. Someone can be very much available and not be reliable and vise-versa. In order to be a good steward, one must be found worthy of the two. God don't just need men around, He wants men that He can count on. He don't just wa...