You are called to pray
God has a wonderful plan by which you can have a worldwide influence. This plan is not just for a chosen few. It is for you. Let me tell you about it. God has great expectations for you and me. He has every right. The average person has more ability to influence others Today than before. This is especially true for Christians. Through the tremendous help of the media, and the expanding technology, we have the facilities to speed up God's work beyond anything we have yet known. We can reach the farthest nation more quickly, we can present the gospel in more languages, and we have the means to recruit and guide prayer for the whole world more efficiently. We can reach our world, If we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer. We could see multiplied results if we would only multiply prayer. There have been outstanding prayer saint over the centuries. By no means do we forget them or the tremendous histcry-changing role they played ...