One thing is needful

In the modern day society, a lot is required of a man in other to meet up with the standards of the society. Being relevant is very demanding and requires a great task and obligation. There are lots of social sectors, financial sectors, academic sectors that remains very cogent in man's societal relevance and if the standard is not met, it can render someone totally irrelevant as well as being a liability to the society.

An average human is expected to have a certain level of educational qualifications, some cash in his/her account, get married, have kids, build a house, buy a car, watch your kids being successful, grow old and at the end death! Now, after death what next?

This is the question that triggered the topic of this write up. Humans are cumbered about many things, we think a lot about what we want to become knowing fully that our thought can't add an inch to our size.

We have neglected Gods promises to us in the scripture and we focus on making money and living cool. Fine! Its good to have money and live cool but what is the essence of you living cool here on earth and in the end live a hot life in hell? The Bible talks about the parable of the rich man who has a lot in his barns and think in his heart that now that he's rich what more does he need... (luke12:16-21).

This is the situation of many people, we think we have enough or we are working towards having enough and have forgotten that there's life after death and that life can either be spent in heaven or hell.
Jesus categorically cautioned us to stop been cumbered for what we don't have or what we want to become and make heaven our primary priority (luke12:22-31).

In man's life, the most needful thing is to seek after the kingdom of God: "seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you" this scripture has concluded everything for us.

What ever you think its a must to have here on earth is just an addition in Gods kingdom and they don't worth been bothered about.

In luke10:38-42, Jesus visited a family in a certain village and they were glad to have him as their guest. The elder sister was cumbered with what Jesus will eat and drink while the younger one was sitting at the feet of Jesus hearing the word of God...

The only thing God requires of us is to always learn of Him and learn from Him as well as making the kingdom of God our primary focus. 

This elder sister complained but Jesus's response is what i want you to think and meditate on. In verse 42, Jesus replied by saying "But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her." 

My question for you is what part and path have you chosen? Is it the broadway which is full of worries and earthly treasures or the narrow way that leads to eternity? The choice is yours.

Christ has set before you life and death but He's urging you to take life.

Heaven is sure and hell is real!!! 

Why don't you follow the path of God and seek after His kingdom, earthly pleasure and worries will not yield you anything. Jesus loves you and want you to be with Him in His kingdom but one thing is needful and that is for you to accept Him as your Lord and personal saviour.

Jesus loves you! Shalom.



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