Do you even need Jesus?

Ever wonder why someone you don't know will stop you on the road and tell you sir/ma, Jesus loves you and with a gaze in your eyes you will be like "i know!" or sometimes you say "that is not my business right now" some people will even sit you down and start narrating the bible to you on why you should accept Jesus but deep inside of you, you start asking yourself some questions like do i even need Jesus?

I'm doing fine in school, i'm married, blessed with good job and lovely children and everything seem fine and all right.

Do you know that the more success you attain in life, the more of God you need? 

The devil is so dangerous that he doesn't want anybody to have peace of mind knowing fully that you will be able to serve God comfortably.

 That is why the bible describe him like a roaring lion roaming about seeking whom to devour. The devil is so diligent in his work that he gives you no reason to accept Jesus knowing fully that He's (Jesus) the only one that can save you from him.

Nevertheless, no amount of physical, mental or spiritual comfort should make you conclude that accepting Jesus is the last thing you need.

Let me tell you some of the reasons why you need Him (Jesus)

* He loves you, despite your shortcomings Jesus still cares about you. (Matthew 11:28)

*He will always forgive you. (Jeremiah 14:7, Luke 9:47-48)

*He's ready to protect and look after you. (2Chro 16:9a)

*In Him there's life and peace. (John 1:4)

*His plans for you are far more than what you can imagine. (1Cor 2:9)

*Finally, He is the only way to heaven. (John 14:6-7)

You need Jesus more than how you can ever imagine. Take that decision today and accept Him.

Jesus Loves you!!! Shalom.



  1. Awesome!! Great Utterance to you Sir in Jesus name.



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