
Showing posts from September, 2018

Seeking God's Will

Seeking and searching, in our contemporary language, suggests looking for something that is not there or can't be seen. But, is this what we do when we search for the Will of God? When most Christians say they want God's Will, they may actually want Christ to do their will! So, this subject must be sought with reverence and obedience or we will miss it completely, rebalancing our will for His so we can have the trash we want instead of the wonders He has for us. The struggle to seek or find the Will of God has conflicted and confronted countless Christians and non-Christians alike over the millennia. But, most miss the point of the quest and end up with the wrong items, declaring them as God's Will, or they give up and say God's Will cannot be found. So, what is the Will of God? A basic, general idea of what it means to know the Will of God is found in Matthew 6:33 … But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as we...

What Prayer does for You

James 5:16-18 " Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that year may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elijah was a man subject to like passion as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. " To pray isn't religious as some opined, prayers entails the movement of your life and welfare, if you do not know how to pray, it will be difficult for you to end well, it doesn't matter how brightly you started your life. The end of a thing is better than the beginning. Everyone prays, wether it's a wish,or a desire or a mere words of luck, it's translated into inner self belief, even most people who claim they don't believe in the existence of the Almighty God prays, they actually think things to be better than its with them o...

The Call to Worship. Part two

Previously, i wrote about our call to worship as Christians and believers generally and how we should make God the center point of our service and love. Today i will be writing on the concluding part of that. I have seen people who seem to be unemotional about God but truly they can die for God. Some may think that they are not serious but they really do not joke with the things of God. When you begin to walk with the Lord, and you come to a point where you love Him, the first thing that happen to you is that God will begin to propose to you things that will open the door of your heart (this is not necessarily for blessing) because God's priority is not just to bless you but to change you. That's why no man can really lay down his life for Jesus, the only thing he can do is to permit God to take it. The sacrifices and constrain that brings you to a point that everyone sees your life and knows that Jesus is the master and the owner is almost unbearable except the spirit o...

The Call To Worship

Worship in this context is not to sing praises and raise hands in the church or any spiritual gathering, it is when you take the value system for God, your love and your passion for Him will increase. Our love for God can go cold at any point in time, not because we don't love God, but the tempo and fervency will reduce due to the society we find ourselves. We live in a society that everything seems to be choking our love for God, so it gets to a point in our lives when we begin to question if God is still there because daily our convictions are dwindling. Everybody begin their spiritual journey with some degree of fervency, at a point we have the ability to reject that which is not of God and stand for the things of the spirit but gradually our strength seem to fail us. " But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 Let...

Why did Jesus come to this earth?

Some think Jesus came so we can become rich. Well, that’s wrong because before Jesus came, many people have been rich. The trend continues today because even people who do not believe in Jesus are also rich! During his earth walk, people thought Jesus was going to become a political leader and save the Jews from the Romans. Even his disciples thought along these lines. But that was not why Jesus came! So why did he come? The answer can be found in Matthew 1 when an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, Mary’s husband. Let’s do a quick read of what the angel said. Matthew 1:20 " But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." Matthew 1:21 " And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:22 Now all ...


John 8:22-25. Peace is what everyone whether young or old, male or female, rich or poor, name it is entitled to. It is a basic need for every individual walking under the sun. God created the world in a peaceful manner, because God Himself is a God of peace. During the old testament, God did some things in order for peace to reign. Our God is not an author of confusion (1cor.14:33) but wholly endowed with peace. In the world we live in today, it is quite difficult to experience peace, most people think it is such an herculean effort for any man to have joy and peace in his /her life. People believe that peace is either unattainable or difficult to achieve (believers inclusive). We hear people say 'even if there is peace in one aspect of one's life,  it's certain there would be chaos and troubles on other sides. I wouldn't say those justifications are wrong because looking at the troubles going on in the world, the increase in youth unemployment,  criminal activi...

When God seems Silent. Part two

When God is silent to us in a trial, this tends to bring everything out into the open about us. It certainly brings out the bad, but will ultimately prove faith in us. Yet right in the middle of all of this is something more. God wants to PROVE and to BUILD faith in us. But faith is a relationship word. It must be rested upon something or someone. In a nutshell, God wants to reveal Himself to us. Here we see the ultimate reason God is silent to us especially during a trial. It isn’t that God could not tell us things. It isn’t that He could not give us information about Himself, or about what He is doing. In fact, I might say that He already has given that it is all in the Bible. Yet during some of these terrible times of trial, none of that seems to be able to get us far. God is silent to us during a trial because He wants to do more than simply give us information. He wants to give us revelation. God wants to reveal HIMSELF to us. Initially, reading that might not get us too e...

When God seems Silent

One of the most difficult seasons in the life of a Christian is when God seems silent. And the fact is, those seasons when God seems silent are usually when we think we need Him to speak the most. God is usually silent to us when we are in a trial. Indeed, I have found that the silence of God, and my inability to understand Him can, in itself, become a greater trial than any circumstances. Actually, what I am describing is THE TRIAL OF FAITH . A trial of faith, when everything is said and done, is not a struggle over circumstances – the real struggle is not to make circumstances work out, or to make suffering end. The trial of faith has to do with what is going on between myself and God. The circumstances are simply the venue. FAITH is at issue in any trial of faith – my FAITH in God is what is being TRIED or PROVEN. If there is one thing that is a trial of faith it is the silence of God. When God is silent the enemy will come in and play upon our fears. The suggestion will be...