Love not the world

The way of the Kingdom man is such that the driving force for all you do on Earth can be traced to your love for Jesus.

We have been warned, adviced and admonished about our sense of livelihood and lifestyle in the kingdom. It's either you are in God's Kingdom or you're in the world. There's no two ways about it. You may go as far as confusing and convincing even your pastor to believe that you're a Believer, but one thing is certain, God is not a man. You cannot cheat God. You cannot decieve God. God cannot be mocked.

It is the person you are in the closet that God will amplify in the public. 

The only way to know one who doesn't love God is if He/She loves the world. You cannot love God and Love the world at the same time. God wants to dominate your whole being even by His Spirit while the World also want to dominate you through Lust!

A day is coming, A day of Reward. A day of Judgement. Your appearance will not be judged, you'll only be judged by the records you kept during your stay on Earth.

If you're a Christian, Love not the world or the things that are in the world. If you're not a Christian, don't try to look like a Christian, Salvation is on your doorstep now. Cry out to Jesus Now.

Love not the world.

©Believers Update


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