The Missing Link-Part 2
Many couples are fond of using Mr A's formula to solve their own marital problems and when it doesn't work out the devil politely suggest to them to work out of that marriage because it's not working. With this, we keep hindering the plan of God for us in our marriage. I can say this with all assurance that Mr A formula for marriage can't solve Mr B marital problems, everyone have to find the missing link and fixed it up.
However, this doesn't mean we have to ignore advice from people but when it comes to applying it you need to look inward if it will serve as the missing link in your marriage.
What's this missing link all about? Do I have to start looking for it once I have any issue in my marriage? The answer is NO! God is the all-knowing, he knew that there will be challenges and misunderstandings in marriage so he already provided the solution even before the problem but this is where most people get it wrong, we ignore this solution thinking we can fix it up on our own and when the reality of the situation comes it becomes very difficult to manage. God gave a very clear solution to any potential problems in every home and that is found in Ephesians 5:22-29. God commanded the man to love his wife and the wife to submit to the the husband likewise children to obey their parents but in this generation we choose to ignore this thinking our knowledge is all we need to resolve every conflict in our marriage. Note this that ANY MARRIAGE THAT GOD ISN'T THE HEAD, GOD WON'T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT. You have to make God the head in your home, follow his lead and apply his teachings in your marriage before God can shoulder the responsibility of your home.
It's a must our marriage must work, we must not give the devil a chance to disrupt the plans of God again as he did in the garden of Eden. We must rise up and take responsibility to find the missing link and fix it up so that our home can be heaven on earth.
© Emmanuel Abiodun Ashaolu
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