Personal evangelism is sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others. It is showing and telling  with both word and deed who Jesus is and how it's possible to have a relationship with Him. Think of evangelism in light of life's journeys. Personal evangelism is simply the privilege of entering into the spiritual journey of another person, discovering how God is at work, and the role that we can play.

It sounds so simple in theory. Why do so many of us find it hard? 

If you are like most motivated believers, you genuinely desire to share your faith, but the very thought of it both excites and terrifies you. Why?

The desire to share one’s faith is a natural overflow of one’s relationship with Christ. A person in love rarely stops thinking and talking about the object of their affection. A person who has genuinely experienced Jesus Christ expresses a similar compulsion (Acts 4:20).

Sadly, personal evangelism is not just a process of explaining truth until another person understands and then automatically makes the choice to believe in Jesus. People have all sorts of barriers or obstacles they need to overcome before they accept the truth about God. God is more than a series of concepts we either agree or disagree with. He is real, He is alive, and He has told us the one way our relationship with Him can work, and that’s by trusting Him to be our ultimate authority. 

So it’s not surprising that we humans, with all our self-protective and independent instincts, often resist the truth about God. 

But people who do not yet believe in God are only half of why personal evangelism is complicated. If you are a Christian with a desire to share what you believe with someone else, you have to choose to take a step of faith. You cannot know how the person you’re talking to will react or how it might change your relationship with them. Fear, anxiety and nervousness are very normal as you learn how to make personal evangelism part of your everyday life. 

Learn. That’s the crucial word in this situation. If you are willing to learn how to share your faith and willing to trust God with the outcomes, then you’re ready to begin.

To be continued...

© Mychristcenter 


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