
Showing posts from May, 2022


  The Missing Link-Part 2 Many couples are fond of using Mr A's formula to solve their own marital problems and when it doesn't work out the devil politely suggest to them to work out of that marriage because it's not working. With this, we keep hindering the plan of God for us in our marriage. I can say this with all assurance that Mr A formula for marriage can't solve Mr B marital problems, everyone have to find the missing link and fixed it up.  However, this doesn't mean we have to ignore advice from people but when it comes to applying it you need to look inward if it will serve as the missing link in your marriage. What's this missing link all about? Do I have to start looking for it once I have any issue in my marriage? The answer is NO! God is the all-knowing, he knew that there will be challenges and misunderstandings in marriage so he already provided the solution even before the problem but this is where most people get it wrong, we ignore this soluti...

The Missing Link-Part 1

  Imagine bringing in an electrician into your house to help you with the electricity and after several hours of working you tried to put on the light and then boom! It's not working... Or imagine yourself being a computer programmer, you write codes to develop software and website and after a very long hour of writing thousands of codes and several minutes of checking for mistakes just to be sure it's ok, you tried it and it's still not giving you what you want.... Then what's the way out? Run to google or ask other professionals for assistance? Well in marriage this isn't applicable. Since inception, no one as a perfect formula for a successful marriage.  The concept of marriage is unique and mysterious, God Himself instituted it and Him alone has what it takes to solve every marital dilemmas.  However, in our present generation, we can see all around the numerous crisis rocking different families and the big question is where did we or they all get it wrong? Ther...

Jobless Evangelist

  Couple of time we come across some set of people who walks to us and ask for a minute with you and you're like do I know you? Some even go to the point of telling you that Jesus loves you (as if you're not aware of that). Some go to the extent of telling you they have a gift for you and you are like wow! What is it and boom they tell you it's Jesus they have for you... Many times as well we tend to see some acrobatics display like holding a banner for hours under the sun, some climbing a pole, acting of drama and many more and you're like why are "these guys so jobless" like seriously... They should be doing something reasonable and not making a fool of themselves around the streets. That's a 'normal' man's thinking right? NO! they are not jobless. As a matter of fact they are representing the biggest brand in heaven and on earth.  The truth is, many of us are also given this same 'employment' but we choose to ignore. Rather, we prefe...