Crushed but not destroyed
Crushed but not destroyed 2nd corinthians 4vs9-12. It is such a big deceit to think that as a Christian you will not go through challenges. I have heard a lot of Christians say "I am a child of God, I believe in God, I trust Him, so why am I going through these difficulties, why do I have these tough experiences when I am a bonafide child of God?". The straight answer to the above question is simple, being a child of God doesn't automatically make you immune to challenges, in fact it is not out of place to say that it makes you prone or more open to greater challenges than you faced when you were yet to be born again ... It is quite unfortunate that the devil has been able to deceive many through fake teachings to make them think that the moment you confess Jesus as your lord and personal savior you are eligible to live a life of luxury, fame, utmost comfort, and a challenge free life. Most Christians have erroneously built their faith life on this false backgr...