
Showing posts from December, 2018


The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus who lived in Israel 2000 years ago and who died on the cross for our sins (1 Corinthians 15 1-4;  1 Peter 2:24 ). More specifically, when we use the word "meaning," we're talking about the  purpose  of his birth that Christmas is supposed to celebrate.  His purpose was to enter into the world and become one of us, that he might deliver us from our sins. Jesus is not just any man. He is God in flesh ( John 1:1 ,  14 ;  Colossians 2:9 ).   He is the second person of the  Trinity  who, by being born of the Virgin Mary, was made under the law ( Galatians 4:4 ) and subject to the same temptations and limitations that we are. Christmas is the celebration of the historical event of where God entered into our world so that he might display the perfection and holiness of God and that through his work of living perfectly and also dying on the cross for our sins, that all w...

The True Essence of Christmas

We are in that special season once again, a season of joy, of peace, of great tidings. A season when we celebrate the birth of Christ the King, the redeemer of mankind! Jesus is the reason for the season. What does Christmas mean to you and me? I will like to draw reference from the views of two writers. The first is J. C Penney who wrote, ‘Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that. It is a time for the contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.’ Next is the thought provoking words of George F. McDougall ‘Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God. The above comments say it all. Christmas is not all about merry making. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love of ...

The Uniqueness of Christ. Part 3

Christ is Superior Jesus Christ was unique in every way. From his complete deity to his perfect humanity; from his miraculous conception to his supernatural ascension; from his impeccable character to his incomparable teaching—Jesus stands above all other religious or moral teachers. Christ Is Superior to Moses .  As a Jew himself, Jesus had no argument with Moses, the prophet who brought the Jewish law and led the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage to freedom as an independent nation. Moses and Jesus were prophets of the same God, and Jesus said that he did not come to abolish the law (found in the writings of Moses) but to fulfill it ( Matthew 5:17 ). Jesus implies that Moses’ words are God’s words (compare  Matthew 19:4–5  with  Genesis 2:24 ). However, in many respects, we find that Jesus is superior to Moses. Christ is a superior prophet to Moses . In  Deuteronomy 18:15–19 , Moses predicted that God would raise up a Jewish Prophet with a speci...

The Uniqueness of Christ. Part 2

The Character of Christ is Unique Christ’s character was unique in other ways. To a perfect degree he manifested the best of virtues. He also combined seemingly opposing traits. In Exemplifying Virtues .  Even Bertrand Russell, who fancied he saw flaws in Christ’s character, confessed nonetheless that 'What the world needs is love, Christian love, or compassion.' But this belies a belief in what most others acknowledge, namely, that Christ was the perfect manifestation of the virtue of love. Jesus’ willing submission to the ignominious suffering and death by crucifixion, while he maintained love and forgiveness toward those killing him is proof of this virtue ( Luke 23:34 ,  43 ). He alone lived perfectly what he taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). He did not retaliate against his enemies; instead, he forgave them. He rebuked his disciples for misusing the sword ( Matthew 26:52 ), and miraculously reattached and healed the amputated ear of one of the...

The Uniqueness of Christ

Christianity is unique among world religions, and Christ’s true uniqueness is the centerpiece of Christianity. The truth about Christ is based primarily on the New Testament documents which have been shown elsewhere to be authentic. The New Testament record, especially the Gospels, is one of the most reliable documents from the ancient world. From these documents we learn that numerous facets of Christ are absolutely unique. Unique in Messianic Prophecies .  Jesus lived a miracle-filled and supernaturally empowered existence from his conception to his ascension. Centuries before his birth he was foretold by supernatural prophecy. The Old Testament, which even the most ardent critic acknowledges was in existence centuries before Christ, predicted the  where  ( Micah 5:2 ), the  when  ( Daniel 9:26 ), and the  how  ( Isaiah 7:14 ) of Christ’s entry into the world. He would be born of a woman ( Genesis 3:15 ) from the line of Adam’s son Seth...